G Suite


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Inbox by Google
Google Keep
Google Photos
Google Contacts
Admin Control Panel
Google News
Google Scholar
Google Wallet
Google Sites
Google Play Music
Google Apps Scripts
Google Search
Google Chromebooks
You Tube
Google Maps
Google Groups
Google Meet
Google Hangouts
Google Earth
Google Plus
Google Chrome
Google Cast
Google Classroom
Google Cardboard
Google Expeditions

Below is a list of skills you should know to be able to pass the Level One and Level Two Certifications

Level One

  • Personalize the Format of Your Gmail Inbox
  • Create Filters so Messages Instantly Go Where They Belong
  • Apply Visual Star Icons to Organize Relevant Messages
  • Create and Apply Multiple Labels to Diverse Conversations
  • Search Gmail for Anything
  • Gmail Translate feature

Level Two

  • Enable Labs in Gmail
  • Recalling an Email
  • Saving Time with Canned Responses
  • Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts to Customize Your Gmail

GMail has currently about 1.2 billion users. This represents about 20% of the email market. While many users have access to the full suite of tools that come with a Gmail account. most users do not explore the many resources and options in their accounts. Preparing for the certification exams and following the google training modules will give you a much deeper understanding of the power of these tools. One of the places to start is to look at all the options that you can modify, enhance, adjust, using the settings tools in Gmail. Click the image to the left to open your gmail settings.

While there are too many options to explore, it will be very helpful for you to look at the settings bar and at least become familiar with all the features and know where to look for them, if there is an exam question about the gmail settings. Also be aware that the same set of settings are available in Calendar as well as Drive.

Undo Send

To be able to undo sending an email, you need to enable undo send. By default, undo send is turned off. In Gmail, open settings. THen enable undo send and set the amount of time, up to 30 seconds.

Once you have enabled this feature, you have 30 seconds to click the undo link that pops up at the top of your gmail window. This can be very handy if you say something that you want to think twice about, or you forget to attach that attachment you just said you were attaching!